Officers and Directors, 2021-2024
President John Stuart Gordon
Vice President Lisa Koenigsberg
Recording Secretary Medill Higgins Harvey
Treasurer Deborah Dependahl Waters*
Program Chair Janet Zapata^
Board Members-at-large Jeannine Falino
Rosanne Raab
D. Albert Soeffing~
Ann Wagner
Newsletter Editors Ricardo N. Zapata (2003-2008): Patricia Jay Reiner
Newsletter Editor Emerita Phyllis Tucker
Website Update Debra Schmidt Bach; Jonathan Bach
~President Emeritus ^Vice President Emerita * President Emerita; interim Newsletter editor
P.O. Box 1201- Madison Square Station
New York, New York 10159-1201
For membership information: info@newyorksilversociety.org
A newsletter for collectors, curators, dealers, historians and all
others interested in silver, historic, contemporary, and current,
published by New York Silver Society, Inc.
2020-2021 Members Who Supported NYSS, Inc.
At the Patron Level or Higher As of 4/30/2021:
Sally Ann Bailey and Eric A. Kuzmuk Joseph Lonzi
Robert and Carol Carnighan C. Leland Nettles
Sarah Coffin Stephen Reiner
Ulysses Grant Dietz Stewart G. Rosenblum
George Fina Caroline Rubinstein and Phillip Winegar
Collin Gleason Jolie and Robert Shelton
Paul Guarner Robert M. Taylor
John Stuart Gordon Margo Grant Walsh
Brent Haynes Deborah Dependahl Waters
Margi Hofer